Thursday, December 9, 2010

Complain essay

Jirat Osothsongkroh (James)
52/9 Prinsiri village
Bangkok, Thailand 10230
December 9, 2010
Customer Service Manager
XYZ Corporation
Phuket, Thailand 1022

Dear Customer Service Manager

On October 1, 2004 I purchased a computer model A17 from big name store, in the amount of 2500 baht to be charged to my VISA card. I have enclosed copies of my receipt, guarantee card and credit statement.

Upon receiving my statement, I see that this charge was entered into my account twice. I have highlighted both charges on the statement copy. And I found that my CPU was broken so I want the new product to be sent to my house.

I would like for this duplicate charge to be immediately removed from my account. Also I need for my interest that was arrived to my account as a result of this error to be corrected as well. If you require any additional information please contact me at (222) 222-111

Thank you for your prompt assistance and matter

Sincerely yours

Jirat Osothsongkroh


1 comment:

  1. -you copied the sample letter I showed in class, write your own
    - with problems in grammar and punctuations

